"Kleine Raumanker", belongs, like „Offener Rollkörper", to the concept group of rolling sculptures that Maximilian Verhas has been working with since the early 1990s. The idea is to create a sculpture in which all sides are equal - there is no fixed determination of bottom, top, front, or back. "My intention with the sculptures was never to make a beautiful object, but an all-viewing one," Maximilian Verhas says in a video interview.

KLEINER RAUMANKER | Maximilian Verhas

Solid cast silver (fine silver), 2010
height ca. 11 cm
25 copies, signed und numbered

2,2 kg fine silver
5.300 Euro

[1] Due to the complex casting process, slight deviations from our target weight may occur, both upwards and downwards. We will be happy to inform you of the exact weight of a sculpture in stock upon  request.

Our prices are subject to change and are based on the current market value of fine silver (999). Since the silver rate fluctuates daily, we ask for your understanding that the stated prices are to be understood as guidelines. We will gladly inform you of the exact and binding sales price upon request.

Sculptures of Maximilian Verhas

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